Archive for the ‘Meta-Issues, Real Life, Out of Character, Etc.’ Category
I am so almost done with the third and final synopsis, and having the rest of the plotline locked in stone. From there, chapters can proceeed very quickly, one per day if I actually work on them. More likely, one per week, since I need to write other stuff like CODE in order to keep body and soul together. And then there is Chunk in the mix. Well, ok, and World of Warcraft. I have to be honest, eh? (chuckle)
Speaking of Chunk, he and I recently saw a zombie trying to break down our front door, but I dispatched him quickly with my trusty shotgun. Jess was kind enough to capture the moment on film. No, not of the zombie, of us!


They will be coming up all day, but here’s the first one I found, and it gave me quite a laugh.
Welcome, Son
Matthew Robert Lewis Gilbert was born today at 15:03 pst. He is a bit early, and it came as a surprise to us, so now we have to scramble to get things in order, but he is healthy and whole. Jess and I are both exhausted, but a night’s sleep should work wonders. Would that I had it in me to put down some moving words right now, but I am tired to the bone. Soon, I promise, I’ll get to that.

At the Hospital
Posting from my G1. Can’t say I anticipated that when I bought it, but it works. He’s coming early, about three weeks. All seems well, even so. He should be here soon now. I’ll post a pic as soon as I have one.
I’ve been neglectful of this place for a bit, for lots of different reasons, but it’s time to get started here again. It’s been terribly busy of late, in a good way, with family visiting over the holidays. To make a long story short, too much food was eaten, far too much booze was consumed, and I have probably gained ten pounds. Ouch! Time to get back on the straight and narrow.
Three months now until the baby is born. We have tentatively named him Robert Matthew, though we’re still flexible. I found it amusing that Jess’s Grandma Nellie included a present addressed to him at Christmas, a small outfit that he will presumably wear shortly after he officially exists. I did, however, find it passing strange that one might receive gifts prior to officially existing, but that’s just how my head works: you do not exist, therefore, you do not receive a gift. I suppose, in truth, he is in a strange, proto-state somewhere between existence and non-existence currently. Certainly, the IRS does not consider him real, this despite the large protuberance from Jess that is definitely not a tumor.
More to come soon.
Halloween Party
As is usual this time of year, there will be a Halloween Hootenanny at my place, and pretty much anyone is welcome to attend.
A Son, then
Word has it that the new character is to be male. I am pleased. But there is still much work to be done before his arrival.
Well, I did it. Last night, I sold the Z06, traded it for a more sensible vehicle, a red Magnum. There were lots of reasons. I couldn’t really justify spending the money on it anymore. I needed a back seat. I really don’t need a fast car to get myself killed in. All in all, it just made sense.
The Magnum is nice, for what it is. It’s roomy, and has nice pep. It’s not Corvette, but it works for now. I will miss the Z06. I had so much fun with it, and it has many a memory attached to it. But it was time to be more serious, at least for a while, time to be responsible and make certain my resources are not wasted on frivolous things, or that my life is not cut short by my own impulsive nature.
I got used to saying goodbye to things I loved long ago. These days, I know that everything passes out of your life at some point. You have to love while you can, and not hold back for fear of the inevitable. As long as you can tell yourself you did the best you could, it is the experience and memory that is the true value of any love.
That is the part of love that can never be torn from you. It is only when you foolishly throw those things aside that anything is ever really lost.
One’s soul is as emptied or filled by the bridges he burns or builds.
Okay, life is once again under control. It’s not perfect, but it’s livable. All of the appliances are now in working order, and we are settled enough to feel like we actually have a home now. There is still chaos in the garage, but I am slowly getting a handle on that as well, and I am making steady progress. I managed to nearly sever a finger this weekend in that pursuit, but that’s the price of progress, eh?
All of this means there is no longer any excuse for not writing (Save for my sore finger! Hopefully, it will be less painful in a few days, because it’s quite an impediment to typing at the moment!) Chapter 8 is the climax of Act I, and took quite a bit of rethinking to make work with the new plotlines. I managed to get the synopsis of this act hammered out while we were on vacation, so actually writing the draft chapter will be considerably less difficult. My goal is to finish chapter 8 this week.