Sadly, my Kindle Scout excerpt skips the second and more exciting half of chapter one. On the off chance that anyone has come here wanting more, you can find the rest of the chapter here.
I think the book did pretty well. It held a spot in the hot and trending for most of the week. The competition is pretty tough, though. I could really use all the help I can get. I need to really work the social media angle to get this out there. Please, if you haven’t already, like the Facebook page and share it with your friends. And let your friends know about the Scout contest. I need every vote I can get!
I could really use some reviews on my other stuff on KDP, too. Reviews, even if they are not perfect, really help.
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I submitted Mad God’s Muse to the Kindle Scout program today. I am hoping this will get me the much needed exposure. I am good at a lot of things, but selling has never been one of them.

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It’s very close, now. I could release it now, but I still feel I can make it just a little better. In my experience, though, you never reach a point where you think, “Fine, it’s perfect.” You just reach a point where you think, “I’ve done all I can, and I can’t see this for what it is anymore, so I have to let it go.”
That’s about where I am, now. Still hoping to hear from some of my beta readers before I call it done, but barring some catastrophic reports that point out huge errors I have missed, I am not seeing much more to be done.
Waiting on the cover from Max. If you DO have any comments, send them soon. It’s time to put this out there.
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“The Mad God’s Muse” is at 95%, by which I mean I have actually managed to read all of the way through and not find much more to fix than a few spelling errors, descriptions, and clunky dialog. No walking dead (i.e. characters who were previously dead but are now on stage doing something) beyond those who are in fact shambling corpses. No completely maniacal actions from non-Meite characters. Nothing I think to myself, “Oh, bullshit, no way it would happen like that.” Of course, some may disagree, but the cool part of being the author is that I get to make that final call.
Looking for some cover art right now. Thinking I’ll put this thing out in the world in a couple of weeks. Then on to the next.
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All of the chapters are done and I am now cleaning them up and polishing. Well, unless I decide I need to write more chapters. I’ve said this before, but I’ll try to actually make it happen this time: this will be ready by the end of the year.
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Turns out I have not been able to finish the second novel yet. There’s a reason, mind you, and it’s that I had to move to start a new job. Yes, regrettably, my writing has yet to make me fantastically wealthy. The fact is that video games pay a lot better, and pretty much finance any writing I am able to do. I’ll be on a much reduced schedule, so it may be March before I am done. It’s coming though.
I’d guess I am about 25% done with final editing on ‘The Will of Ilaweh’, and making decent progress. My goal is to get it up before Christmas, and that’s doable if I stay focused.
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