As part of the release of book 3, I have had to face something I did not much like: I have been told that my previous covers were not ‘genre appropriate’, and would hurt sales. I like them, but sadly, I have come to accept that the people who know this business are probably right.
Fortunately, as a programmer, I know a lot of artists. Thanks to Darren Bartlett of Liquid Development for introducing me to Egil Thompson, who has just sent me roughs of his proposed new covers.
I will miss the old covers, but I am really stoked to see someone with great skill bringing these characters to life. The symbols for the gods, the Xanthian and Nihlosian styles, Nihlos and Torium in the backgrounds, it’s pretty amazing.

Yup, still going, and still about 50%, maybe a little more. It’s tough to know precisely, but it’s going, and I am pretty proud of some of the stuff I have so far. I should have it mostly done in early June, and I’ll put up a pre-order while I finalize proofreading. Maybe I can release part of a chapter next month, something that will be cool to see but not spoil things.