I am so almost done with the third and final synopsis, and having the rest of the plotline locked in stone. From there, chapters can proceeed very quickly, one per day if I actually work on them. More likely, one per week, since I need to write other stuff like CODE in order to keep body and soul together. And then there is Chunk in the mix. Well, ok, and World of Warcraft. I have to be honest, eh? (chuckle)
Speaking of Chunk, he and I recently saw a zombie trying to break down our front door, but I dispatched him quickly with my trusty shotgun. Jess was kind enough to capture the moment on film. No, not of the zombie, of us!


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on Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 at 3:43 pm and is filed under Meta-Issues, Real Life, Out of Character, Etc..
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